Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 70 - Corruption & Consumerism - Backchat


  • I only cares about myself since I only have this short life, I will do the best to enjoy myself until I die.
  • Money is so attractive it means I can have a beautiful wife/husband I need more and more money.
  • I love money and as long as I can get more money by bypassing the law I can get whatever I want and fuick the world.
  • I want to buy buy and buy and enjoy, I need more money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the back chats of I only cares about myself since I only have this short life, I will do the best to enjoy myself until I die exist within and as me. I commit myself to care for everyone as everything are me and how I treat others are always how I  will be treated - consequence.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself want to run away from consequences and create a system that we apparent don't see the consequences right away and trying to run away from it, instead of realizing I can't run away from consequences at all, that I was lying to myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the backchat of money is so attractive it means I can have a beautiful wife/husband I need more and more money exist within and as me. I commit myself to learn and let other knows that money is only a tool to see how I can help others and make Equal Money system manifest on earth, money is a tool to make sure everyone is being taken care of equally.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have backchats of I want to buy buy and buy and enjoy myself, I need more money exists within and as me, I commit myself to care for everyone as everyone/everything is me and I cannot don't care/sacrifice everyone as me that do not fit what is best for all.

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