- I fear I will be starved and left off the street without money.
- I feel more save when surrounded by lots of money.
- I want to entertain myself and more joys.
- I see no consequences for my acts and I fear I will die, I have this only one life so I won't listen and become a conscious decent person, I just want as much money as possible.
- I fear dying so I better have lots of money and let other people starve/die and I don't care.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have fear of I fear I will be starved and left off on the street without money exists within and direct me. I commit myself to not fear of dying but using common sense and ask myself what I can do to prevent this to happen on me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel more save when surrounded by lots of money, instead of realizing I am enslaving all others to work for me. I commit myself to use money as a tool to help Desteni and build Equal Money Capitalism so that everyone can be taken care of equally.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself want to enterain myself and more joys instead of I commit myself to consider everyone/everything for best for all as they are all me before I consider my entertainments.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see no consequence for my acts and fear I will die, I have this only one life so I won't listen and become a conscious decent person, I just want as much money as possible and get richer and richer. I commit myself to never dream and place myself in the position of the riches as the riches need to face their consequences after they die and I don't want to live a life enslaving others as me and always facing consequences.
Imagination/Picture dimension:
Imagination/Picture dimension:
- A picture of me surrounded by money.
- Inside an LV store where I can pick any handbags I want.
- Inside a store and looking at beautiful dresses imagining how I can be as beautiful/as attractive as the models.
- Driving all the luxury cars that I want.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a desire/picture of me surrounding /swarmed by money. I commit myself to spend money carefully with consequences and show others that we are all from the same source.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the picture of inside an LV store where I can pick/own any handbags I want to direct and dominate me. I commit myself to show others that desires only creates consequences/atrocities to ourselves and others and it is not worth to live in profit and consequences. It is about everyone is equal and prosper equally.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture of inside a store and looking at beautiful dresses imagining how I can have them all and can be as beautiful/attractive as a model exist inside me and direct me instead of me self-aware and directing myself according to Best for all. I commit myself to show others and myself that lost in energy/feelings have serious consequences of becoming/living energy instead of living physical and Life, which is stable and consistent.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have an image of driving all the luxury cars that I want exist within and as me hence I forgive myself for haven't accepted and allowed myself to consider everyone that need to suffer in atrocities to produce the cars/goods for me and trying to run away from the consequences of my acts. I commit myself to care/equally love everything as they are me, think twice before I buy/want anything, make sure they fit with best for all.
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datahk 2019