Hi every One, it a small blog about my Process. I stand for Oneness and Equality, through Equal Money System. I am Happy to see you Drop in and say Hi.
Monday, June 27, 2011
時間旅行!? 甚至時間都只是假像!
Bernard說: 我們不是來証明任何東西. 這是不會有証明的. 如果你認同/支援一體等同 你就應該會相信 Desteni. 因為這正正是 Desteni不斷推動的訊息 -- 我們在存在裏所有一切都是一體等同的 我們全都是來自同一個源頭 -- 生命. 那些要証明的人 然後才考慮相信的人 他們會付上要証明的代價(包括被删除). 而我們當然是永遠存在的, 我們在是這裏 (here)的, 時間 lol 哈 並不存在/不是真的. 如果時間存在 那上一分鐘的我在跑步 就不只是一的人 而會是一條柱 像錄映機的連環快拍一樣, 從過去的一分鐘 實體存在 '過' 一直無間斷的伸延到 這一分鐘的我( A 這是我) 從這 ____A -> ____ 跑到這裏 如果時間是真的 就會是 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 而不只有一個 'A' 只在特定某一點 會是一條人形隧道, 在開始時的 A是實體 那為什麼中間時 開始的 A會消失了?? 為什麼到了終點時 以前所有曾經是實體的 AAAAAAAAA 這些會離奇消失了? 不會的吧? 是你真的 '老了' 還是因為這些 '系統' 在你身體裏透過你投入參與 心智思想, 能量性情緒, 圖像性性交 等等這些令你的心智意識系統(Mind Consciousness System) 不斷在物質身體裏蔓延吸食你的身體 令它衰老.你可以察看 因為現在的心智系統已經在 6歲以前已完整殖入身體裏完成接合 我記得我小時候是從來不會打呵欠的 我在想打呵久是怎樣的 我努力去打但打不出 直到我大概 5-6歲時我在自然的打我第一個呵欠. 最近我看到我的初生小姪兒在 1歲半時已打呵久了. 這些都在 youtube的 Desetni/DesetniChineseTD視頻裏有詳解.
這已是我盡最大能力理解和解說. 是你手腕上的秒針在動 而令你覺得 '時間'有消失過 還是只是在瞬間(moment) 電池令秒針在這瞬間裏出現能量的流動/轉移? 瞹間就是能量的流動/轉動. 當能量流動開始就是瞬間的開始 當能量停止流動 就是瞬間的結束 然後等待下一個瞬間/流動的開始.
你想參與真正的研究 怎樣更完善整個生態 包括地球 人類 動物 植物 大自然嗎? 你只需要做 4年(強制性)勞動 你剩下的下半生 lol 是大半生 都不一定要工作 當然如果你需要其他不列入基本人類必須品的享受時 你是會按你的專長 評估分數 按你付出的工作時間 來平等的得到另一層 可以說是為你享受的金錢 -- 所有在平等富裕系統裏 是會有兩層金錢系統的 -- 基本 按月 '免費'政付供給 和你透過工作 '換取'的 2種錢.
Friday, June 24, 2011
為什麼一生中每天要工作 8個半小時? 有選擇嗎?
這對我們大部份所有人的影響是什麼? 我需要增加我的工廠的加班時間 我要越多越好的利潤 我減少工人的薪金並增加工作時間, 每一間公司 工廠也是這樣 所以 你看得出電燈的 '發明'有實質帶給我們任何的 '幸福'嗎? 沒有. 只令我們晚上可以為老板工作, 縮短我們的壽命. 這當然是給肯聽和我們大多數要為企業賣力的人/家庭. 一切都因為 '貪婪'. 而事實上 我們現已有科技和能力 製造可以用上一百年的車, 可以用一百年的電腦而不需要更換 或只需要極少量的維修 -- 這一切都包括在平等富裕金錢系統(Equal Money System)計劃裏面. 每一次你需要更換或買新的產品時 這代表什麼? 這代表 --
某人 某個在地球上的工人 小童奴隸工 需要付出血汗來 '製造/付出時間 勞力'來供應這些 '新'產品給你. 當然現今 這些精英派(Elite) 幕後統治者 大企業老板 小商人 他們是不會理會這一切的, 他們已迷失了化身成 貪婪的實化體機械人. 他們若再不肯聽 他們只是在等被地球大清洗的 '最後通碟/期限' 然後從這個世界上被删除. 每件新產品都是地球上某個奴隸工人 因為沒有錢已被奴隸著在工廠裏工作. 而事實上如 Bernard說: 在平等富裕金錢系統裏 地球上百份之 95的公廠都會關掉 而每一個支援存在裏所有一切都是一體等同的人 都平等的活在百萬富翁般的生活 所有每一個人都只需要 勞動 4年! 然後你就可以退休, 活你想活的生活 你想和家人一起周遊歴國一年 甚至三年 五年也可以(因為我最愛到不同的地方 與不同的人交談/交流 我的願望是可以在不同的國家住上一年 周遊世界 lol當然小時候的夢想是 如果能夠給我研究一生 探索宇宙的奧妙 所有的星體 星雲 當然! 哈哈 我是 '賺到了' 我不需要研究而在這 2年半差不多 3年 Desteni的研究旅程中 我解答了所有這些問題 而我得著的比我一生中 所過這幾十年還要保守估計多上幾萬倍)
你想和你的寵物有更多時間相處嗎? 可以因為你 4年後就不 '一定要上班' 所有你的住屋 基本食物食水 衞生 醫院 交通 基本必需品 全都會由 '將來的政府'按月照顴給你. 因為出發點已經由個人/企業化的 '貪婪' 而轉化成為所有每一個人都是平等是生命的一部份 每一個人都要平等的有尊嚴的活這一生. 這不單是給我們自己的最大禮物 還是給我們的孩子 和將要到來/出生的小孩子的最終最偉大的貢獻/禮物. 正如 Bernard說: 你不知道的, 可能將來你會再回到地球 又一次來到 某許是一棵樹 一塊石頭 是人類 或動物 你想活在這樣完全 瘋狂失控在性和貪婪下的地球/世界嗎?
新的政府 剩下來的人 最基本必須要有的 就是對一體等同的認同和支援. 其實如 Bernard說: 現在已經決定了 所有不支援 一體等同(我會說包括 Desetni)的人 這些不認同不支持的人 會在十年間以各種不同的方式 進入他們的死亡進程 會以各種不同的方式 包括自殺(是的 所有在人類裏面的系統 現已被移去 如果你仇恨某人想比如殺了他 那你將會逐漸與這思想一體等同 並且 '將會'失控並真的幹出來 特別在盛怒下 被新邪靈 demon在那一刻佔控了你), 意外, 疾病等等 等等.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
大家好, 我是 Fred 張. 我們有極嚴重的問題 也有極簡單的解決辨法 -- 平等富裕金錢系統(Equal Money System)!
我們現今世界一切一切的痛苦 種種問題的根源就如 Bernard說一切都因為 '貪婪'. 所有大企業, 個人, 小公司, 家庭所有一切的產品 人生目標都是貪婪. 而為什麼我們會貪婪 依我看只有兩種原因: 1. 想不勞而獲, 想享盡天下的性交和娛樂. 2. 害怕會將來會哀敗/失去金錢所以要迷失了自己而盲目積累金錢 -- 而自己逐步逐步的化身成貪婪的本質(這些人如果在將要出現的大清洗中如果剩下來 還生存的話 我肯定有治療設施會給他們治療貪婪的進程給他們).
看一下我們現今的經濟模式 -- 所有產品都越來越快會壞掉! 我小時候一輛汔車可以用 20年, 我中學的時候一輛汔車只可以用大概 13-15年, 現在一輛車只可以用 8年. 看我們的打印機越來越 '單薄/快爛' 我讀大專時可以用上 6-8年 我最近要買的我想只可以用 3-4年. 對有很多錢的人來說這對他們完全沒有影響的. 但對一般家庭而言 這代表每 3-5年這個又要買新的 那個又要買新的. 為什麼要這樣活? 你看得出這全因為貪婪的, 對嗎?
因為大企業家, 小商人, 上班族全都滿腦子是貪婪(除了性以外 lol). 你要賺更多錢, 我要賺更多錢, 他/她也要賺更多錢 那出現什麼情況, 運用一般常識(common sense), 那你 我 他/她全都製造一些 挑起大量渴望 想要得到 我想擁有享受這產品 但所有製造商又不斷推出 越快壞越好的產品 這樣無形中所有生產商 大企業老板都透過 '不斷縮短你需要更換/購買的 年期/月期' 在你不察覺的情況下花越來越多的錢, 那我不夠錢 那我被迫怎樣做? 我也推出一些越快爛/壞越好的產品來 '增加交易/我的利潤次數' 然後他/她買了我的產品他/她也被強迫增加消費次數 繼而照樣生產 '越快壞越好的產品'.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Vancouver Canucks Riot, 1994 +17 years = 2011 Outbreak!
Let's begin with this conclusion from Wikipedia -- 1994 Stanley Cup riot.
"17 years later, the Canucks played the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup Finals, and again lost game 7. This resulted in a riot, much like the one in 1994. Many stores were looted and many injured just like the 1994 Riot"
So what happened here after 17 years the same ending same riot out break? First this is an very good example showing we as human has never evolved. The source of problems have never been resolved. We have never resolved and if 17 years later we face another final hockey play(and anticipated we are likely to lose base on past history) almost certain will end up in riots again.
In my view, the crown instigated by some mop and spreading like fire because they are poor and want to use this riot opportunity to exert their frustrations and condemn the rich. This is another sign that has shown the current capitalistic system already have a serious flaw that everyone are not equally taken care of -- there are always slave and poverty class that you are on your own.
What will happen after 2012 are outbursts like these are more likely to happen, even for so called 'peaceful' Vancourists with well known nice and comfortable weather. I have been living in Vancouver for about 13-15 years now, if this can happen here in Vancouver I believe these riots will happen more compounded and worsen in places like US. Don't you agree Survival is the number one battle that we are struggling everyday, and we accumulate tons of pressure or emotions inside us?
The point is the cause of the riot is never understand/taken care of. Greediness, Ego, Poverty, Emotions and Desires -- How the ego(and demon possessions when you become possessed you become another person without you realizing your were being taken over). The lose of the game is just the wrapping paper that covering the real cause real problems that we are facing.
Most people at this moment just see it as an exciting singular event just like sports -- don't you agree that's what the media is feeding us? It is not for the best for all but to simulating, arousing sex desires and violent -- as long as it's exciting they will edit it into Hollywood movie style clips broadcast and program us. They think: I will never act like that I have self-control I am in control of myself. We are here to tell those that will listen: Losing self-control and being possessed by the new demons after 2012.
It might look bizarre but that is going to happen.
When anyone's become one and equal to angirness, he/she(mostly a male) would lose control and act out what is in his/her mind as their thoughts.
So wouldn't it be wise before it is too late(we are talking about serious self inflicting brutality and life of death here -- after 2012) before it is too late? I would really suggest everyone that are interested or willing to listen investigate what is Desteni-I-Process and what Desteni really stands for -- What is Equal Money System and what is Oneness Equality and Best for all.
After 2012 when the new demons and they are already start possessing humans NOW! Observe how people without any symptoms all of a sudden losing control and outrage and start killing -- they are already happening in South Africa, I will start looking in news in the Vancouver area and report along.
As Bernard said: (When this happens after 2012) You would want to kill yourself.
Thank you very much for reading my blog. I am working hard on improving my English through a Powerful vocabulary building software.
What is the difference between those that will listen and those that won't? To me: Those that don't not listen always have ego -- This is not going to happen to me, or
stanley cup,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
How I am experiencing on Improving my reading and DIP
So writing again. I realize that(actually I have heard this from Bernard or Desteni quite some time ago) that this me is actually just a personalitized me(a program) that based on self-interest and due to what we have experienced differently with my own encounter events that I have become like this. Even my personality is not from me, it is downloaded from my(sine I am a male) great great x 10 before grand father. What is real the truth is we are all the same from the same source -- Oneness and Equal. That's the people that we/I am looking for, that's the (10)people that I am looking for to read my blog and work in DIP and consolidate our financial status in this world so we can change through DIP. These are the people that are going to survive in the up coming events that nature will inevitably wipe out/clean up the current doing nothing but mainly sex or masturbate and just consume consume and consume everything around them, totally lost in greed.
I have been studying as much as possible in DIP - 1. I have studied DIP - 2 a bit before so it could shorten my time a little bit. The vocabulary software has help me a lot in remembering things and reading. My reading speed has increased(right now I am training myself at grade 5, 310 words per minute at the beginning I am at 190? 230? Current level on 120-170 WPM) just by using it for 2 days. It's not just reading it's also about training you to comprehend the passages in the article. I am excited in how I will improve after using it for a month.
Still need to workout in pushing myself to be one and equal with the information to shorten the 'remembering' process. I am working on it.
Have been finding ways to effectively to study the DIP materials. At this stage since I have gone through tons of Desteni materials in the past three years, some of the materials like history of mankind are just reviewing. What I have learned through DIP -2 is having a solid and strong foundation will really assist you when you are building the materials/your levels up on more advanced like DIP-3. Because each week's materials and assignments are based on your understanding of previous materials.
And practice! Just like Bernard said: Buy the product! USE/PRACTICE the product! then assist others including selling the product!
So these are my experience on DIP.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Writing is what I found helpful
Have been chatting with Andrea. She said I am still justifying and on watching animation which I only recently found out it is actually the symbols that associate inside the mind to generate energy surges that keeps us aroused/excited -- that feeling is equivalent of the desire of raping. It is a difficult point to accept it and start realizing I need to give up watching animation.
I have always been wondering animation is just a some shapes with colors why would we/me got so obsessed about it? Why would I so obsessed this 'feeling' that I cannot explained? Now I know it and I need to stop myself not participating in watching it again.
I found out writing is very assisting me in my process. Although right now i need to spend quite some time need to "push" myself to keep on writing but once I got the topic and know what I should write about -- through writing I felt relief. Just like what the Desteni videos or Pen and Computer interview has explained it is writing the thoughts that are trapped inside me out and they won't stay inside my body and feeding my mind consciousness system. So whenever I push myself to write I would feel relief inside me, like my burdens have been alleviated.
It really feels like I am pulling the emotions that I am not even aware that is subconsciously stiring inside me that makes me feeling uncomfortable and unclear and I clean and release myself through writing them out. It is almost feel the same as writing self-forgiveness.
I will free half an hour each day and work on writing more out.
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