Tuesday, November 29, 2011

手機與電影: Workingman's Dead (1)

這幾天可以說是極度疲累. 其實在我開始學習在網上購物時已經發現每當需要購物時, 就需要在網上看大量大量, 無數的資料/報告. 像我小時候看見無數人在我們香港叫馬會投注站一樣, 為了錢(笑 現在是想省錢)而做大量的讀報告. 二三十年前我們笑那些賭馬的人比我們小學生還要𠢄奮. 我眼中的世界, 經過了二三十年變成怎樣了? 我們互相變得極不能信賴, 唯一可以信賴的就只有身邊的錢. Bernard 說出了重點中的重點: 世界上每一個人都懼怕餓死, 害怕受苦奴隸死, 然而為了鞏固/保障/消除自已對餓死/被奴隸死 "郤容許讓"其他人在這世界上活活餓死奴隸死, 而不肯用一個怎樣令世界上每一個人, 都可以得到平等保障, 平等食物, 平等住屋的世界或活在平等保障的系統裏 -- 活在這個世界裏是不會有受痛苦的恐懼的, 除非你有精神病.

資本主義是令每一個人都得繁盛照顧, 老有所養幼有所依那麼完美的系統嗎? 人真的必定要有回報才肯獻力的嗎? 我們在 Desteni 不正在無條件/無受薪的情況下, 為了全世界所有人其實都是自已, 所有生命都是平等的理念而在每刻奮鬥着嗎? 比如我, 我不經不覺已經參與貢獻了三年了. 理念只要是全体最大得益為出發點, 我們已經証明了人類是不需要為 回報/報酬或錢才"肯"給其他人給予幫助/援手的. 而且是可以持久貢獻下去的. 為了全世界所有人活在平等富裕系統裏, 人類是可以無私的持久獻力的! 因為 -- 我在照顧其他的 "我", 這是我的自我-責任, 這是我喜愛的 "報應後果", 我是所有人的其中一份子, 我生產的最好產品如 iphone, mercedes benz 我作為其中一份子我也得到平等的享用和照顧. 而我工作是為了實質地愛地球上所有的小孩子, 愛所有地球上所有膚色的人, 動物, 植物, 地球. 我們是一体的. 這不是為了個人享受/賺錢, 這是真正愛的實質表現.

我們今天已經變成了活在一個什麼樣的世界呢? 我最近轉了一間手機服務商. 當然, 我本來付 $25一個月, 新的只需 $17.5/月 還送無限的短訊和無限的手機上網. 因為我没有用手機上過網, 所以是很吸引的. 當然, 這就是包括我以前, 沒有看到資本主義的幣病 -- 我們只要更多更多人可以享用, 更平更平的產品服務. 而這個世界, 沒有一樣東西不是相對和總要某個人, 扮演犧牲的角色. 怎樣省下 30%, 怎樣可以 "變魔術"? 資本主義真的是 David Copperfield 嗎? 小女孩說: 不! 我知道魔術是假的! 是, 然而我們郤相信資本主義, 利用石油, 利用濫虐大自然, 我們已經進入了從虐待動物奪取動力, "進化"成虐待地球 -- 石油來轉變成動力的世紀. 看! 新的 Civic, Camry! 278匹馬力! 更強! 更快! 我們的舒適來自那裏? 石油! 地球. 看不到, 更潔淨! 是嗎? 還是以前動物會號泣而現在, 石油只是死物, 不會叫. 還是天災在替地球, 大自然在申冤. 當然, 怎麼會? 天災在替地球, 石油申冤? 神經病!? 還是人類事實上全都在一間叫 "貪婪"的精神病院裏行屍走肉着? 迷失在性行為或自慰中. 不然怎樣解釋在短短三年就有無數的大地震和海嘯? 很不幸地, 現在我所見大部份人類已經被洗腦到了完全失去了 "常識"(common sense)的地步.

難道我們真的只有在大家都在受着慘痛/悲哭時, 在這種 "平等"慘痛時我們才會肯考慮: 噢! 我們全都應該活在一個互相照顧所有人都得到平等照顧的系統裏. 實質有系統的覆行耶穌的教訓: 愛你的鄰人就如愛你自已, 你給予其他人的就是你想得到的! 難道真的要所有人都在痛痛痛之中時, 我們才會問問題, 而問問題就是運用 "常識"的第一步. 當以前的我, 和很多人現在, 分散注意力在每天電視, 網上賣弄的色情, 性愛, 刺激, 電玩(90% 以上都是在賣弄殺人, 暴力, 或年幼, 性 - 看看日本的 RPG遊戲, 跟本就是在賣弄性感或𢓭男幼女). 當中年, 少年男女全都沉迷在這些, 或追星的夢中, 明星是什麼? 骨子裏還是性感覺. 他們會運用常識問問題嗎?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Equal Money System FAQ - Alcohol, Transition and Rewards! (Updated)

1. Why will alcohol consumption end with an EMS?

Alcohol, as you can sit in a pub and observing people that drink and drink and drink(but don’t drink yourself). It proves right in front of my eyes that alcohol only makes people’s ego/mind – currently a mad beast out. Using Alcohol as an excuse to “dangerously bold” doing whatever they have in thoughts, including: fighting, harming, hurting other people, raping, drunk killing/driving people on the streets and can have excuses that “I was drunk”, that wasn’t me. Alcohol is a paradise to drunkies, or as Bernard called them: rotten people's food because! People are not satisfied, they are either in pain in real life or want to run away momentary and within that few hours their mind consciousness systems integrate with the alcohol chemical structure and they “apparently” feel free, “happy”, exhilarate, wild etc. It feels like once they are drunk, they are tied on a roller coaster and they just let the mind consciousness system drive their physical bodies for them, and they just sit there enjoying the exhilaration. Alcohol serves no purpose but extremely prolong and make you suffer more in your process – totally unnecessarily.

I used to drink beer before I get in touch with Desteni. During holidays, I can almost “feel” people are excited around me – the whole city, everyone are excited, merry joyful especially during Christmas. I wanted to feel that too, I wanted to feel merry and happy too but I hardly know anyone, don’t have many friends. Especially when they have girlfriends, they don’t have time to take care/meet with you during holidays. So I closed my door and drank a few bottles of beer on holidays. It didn’t help much, at first it was quite cozy and the ego/mind consciousness system proliferated but later when holiday by holiday, each holiday I have to drink more and more to get the same level of hung over. The next morning, is feeling sick and have a feeling of don’t feel well asking myself what was the drunk for? It’s not worth it.

So, for what is best for all, for everyone’s good including, the pedestrian’s good, those that are potential beings murdered, hit, tremored, raped, those that would go through tremor of suddenly lose a husband/wife/father mother overnight, those that will even harm themselves or brutally let their ego harming other plants and animals. No alcohol will be allowed within an EMS. Besides, when everyone can literally live in a better world, with greater support from each others, only need to work for 4-6 years(depend on how many children we will have on earth) and can have all basic necessities until they die. If they are still not satisfied and want to run away from this heavenly style of living, truly expressing themselves amongst other life forms on earth in an acceptable and harmony way. Then, special treatment centers and professionals will help them and research on why and how to prevent this happen on our children again in the future. There is no need to hide or run away from your daily life. Life will be extremely fun while everyone respect each other as part of Life and we are all part of Life on earth, everyone not necessary be similar but is equal in all ways. Work becomes optional and alcohol from the starting point of best for all, even for the drunkies’ own good, will not be allowed.

According to one of the statistic sites http://dontdiedrunk.org/drunk-driving-stats/?gclid=CO_bh_rB-awCFRBphwodcV6cUg, in 2009, 32% of all United States traffic deaths are killed by drunk driving, that is drunk driver approximately kill someone every 48minutes. 254,000 people suffered injuries due to alcohol related accident.

From http://www.learn-about-alcoholism.com/alcohol-statistics.html, 100,000 people die in United States each year because of excessive alcohol drinking. Alcoholism costs U.S. 40 – 60 billions of dollars per year.

So from the starting point of what is best for all, should I/We say: because it feel good and that is our “free choice” to experience what we like, instead of finding a solution to prevent the “certain” outcome of millions of death per year. As you can see, obviously, alcohol has caused tremendous deaths, pain and suffering to either the drunker or their victims and their families. From the starting point of act in what is best for all, from alcohol’s sole purpose is just to proliferate/enhance the systems inside human beings – I am sure you would agree with me that within an Equal Money system, alcohol will be prohibited.

Also, when everyone’s starting point is not profit anymore. We will only produce goods that support Life and are best for all. Alcohol and street drugs will not be produced anymore because nobody needs to make profit anymore. Everyone will have all the necessities like housing, food, clean water. All sort of atrocities currently are “legal” because of profits. Corporations make profits from selling alcohols, street drugs, firearms and even prostitutions. Currently laws are only a tool to becalm the public. If laws are effective in prohibiting all those mentioned crimes, then we wouldn’t see them operating in the streets and downtown serving the rich and upper class. As long as there is personal profit, as long as the majority of people do not realizing it is profit as most notorious represented in capitalism that is causing all these atrocities on earth, the good days will never come and things around us will only collapse faster and faster. The majority currently don’t even know the details of how capitalism works. As long as you have money, it doesn’t matter where you get your money from. The government/Elite are not interested in finding a solution for the majority or curing any forms of crimes on earth. They only interest in control and profit. Each product like pornography or street drugs and alcohol that do not serve for best for all will be prohibited and will not be produced/supported. Only what is best for all will allow and remain in an EMS.

2. What will be the transition be like in all areas of life?

First of all, the economic crisis, natural disasters and the escalating for world war III will get worse and worse, getting compounded and compounded. Until in a moment where half of the world population realize – there is no practical solution and no way out, not even world war III can resolve anything. If world war can resolve anything, we would have been actually evolved and learn from what previous world war I, II and all the anonymous world wars in the history of mankind. It will require everyone that really understand what it means to live in a structure of love(and care) your neighbor like yourself, what you give(to others) is what you would like to receive(from others).

The elite and those that print/control money in the world will remain so and as Bernard said: they are untouchable. However, a peculiar point to consider is – the elite are just the minorities in the world, they are always in fear of the mass population yet they require slaves (you and me and most of the population in the world) to support their throne, to do the works for them. So it is “actually” the majority, mass population, has the power they just haven’t realized it yet – how to pledge, access their power and support the groups that can bring them a equality future. How fast can we outrun the manifestation of world war III depends on how many people join Desteni and start walking their process like joining DIP. Those that do not participate are all doomed.

In what I see it, it should not be a beautiful picture of transition. Because I have been walking with and support Desteni for three years now and only a handful of people really join and support Desteni. In a Chinese phrase is: they won’t shed tears until they see their coffins. Some seeing Desteni as an interesting and fun magazine, some just boost their ego to offend Desteni. So it is all about partially using self-forgiveness to clear oneself, clearing one’s essence so their outer world will change, the other part in doing whatever one can to let others aware and know that capitalism is destined to doom, it’s destined to only benefit a few that have tremendous amount of money, it is destined to use wars to make tremendous amount of profits, it is a tool for the elite to create a fake “equal opportunity” of he can rise from poor and become a lawyer, she can rise from poor and become a doctor and live in luxurious heaven, therefore lol “So can you and your children” – does capitalism really guarantee you? “Equal Opportunity” for everyone? If you look with common sense, can you see your “opportunity” in capitalism?

First, it will be Basic Income Grant(BIG) for everyone that cannot find a job, to buy us some more time to train and prepare the new EMS political leaders ready to run for elections – we are going to change the world legally. Once their starting point is best for all in all ways, in taking care of others as what you would like to receive. It is people’s starting point of their acts in greediness that has been causing all sorts of atrocities on earth.

Second, 95% of the factories will be closed because products and goods from now on will be as durable as possible, tremendously reduce the amount of garbage throw at field dump everyday. So for example you can have your best ipod that last for 100 years. It will first be in the rich countries like North America and Europe first. Once Equal Life Foundation candidates have successfully elected(by enough amount of people come out and vote for them). Of course it will require commercials, advertisements and money. We all have to be practical – there is no Jesus that will come and turn water into money or Jinni out of a lamp to do everything for Desteni and ask: yes master?

The most important is to stop all slavery and everyone left within an EMS and staying on earth start taking self-responsibility. Stop all abuses and atrocities on other human, animals, plants, Earth etc. Securing a trustable money distribution system(possibly electronic) where instead of earning money to pay each day or you starved to death or totally excluded from the shielding of support from the system, you being as part of Life get certain amount of “basic money” automatically each month to buy necessities like food, rent, utility, transportation, medical expenses etc. At this state It is too early to speculate what the transition will be like, but for sure everyone’s starting point will be for best for all.


Let’s look at for instance, the Family, Law, Jobs area.

Family conflict will increase as people cannot suppress their emotions inside them, they would literally acting out what they want. It would be chaos. Relationships breaking up and people will be more and more difficult to find any jobs. Hopefully if we have enough support from around the world, we will be able to push BIG(Basic Income Grant) to alleviate the financial crisis of most middle to slave class families, buying us more time to support/train Destonians to push for EMS on 2020. Also, currently in capitalism, family is only an alliance formed amongst a few family members trying to increase their survival rates, to better battle in the world for competition and money. At the end of the day, we are living in the fake illusion of family members have similar genes and we can “trust family members” more than people in the outside world. Family members take care/support each other looking for rewards/favors. A temporary strategic alliance for increasing each other’s chance of survival and benefits through competing with people in the world. Family itself is also a tragic ordeal, when mom and dad are fully occupied by go to work, doing chores, taking care of young children. Constantly battling/quarreling because of money and expanses. Most Parents are not educated and prepared to have children/family and just programmed their children become their exactly duplicate when they grow up and causing problems, like criminals, rapists, or having harmful personalities like bullying and brutal.

In an Equal Money system, everyone knows that everyone is the same and basically everything in existence is just another me. Human beings become humanity – one body. Everyone will be taken care of equally, and fulfilling self-responsibility equally. Competition will be no more and everyone agrees/understand that there is a consequence of everything that you do or don’t do. Family will be a structure supporting everyone instead of “I need to survive”. Partners will go to agreements to support each other in walking their process, a supportive based instead of a “feeling/energy” based. Parents will be trained/educated or even simulated before they actually go setup a family. They might need to learn and use the tools to clean themselves, their consciousness first before they can have babies because their children’s consciousness will be downloaded from the parents. If the parents are not cleared themselves, they are just re-creating the problems inherited in their children and history/everything just repeat itself 20 years later when the child grow up. Of course, as you already know by just need to work for 4-6 years in one person’s life time, parents will have way more “personal free time” to enjoy with their partner and children. Taking care of themselves and their children, much more time spending with their family and together explore what does it mean by being part of Life and being part of nature, part of earth, part of existence etc.

The current law system only serves two purposes: Giving the public an illusion that they are safe and living in a “justice” and fair world, everyone with apparently “equal opportunity” for succeed. The media is totally controlled by the big corporations and government that all information and news are pre-filtered before they are broadcasted. Nowadays, laws and justice system are only corporations and rich people’s tools, under the disguise of a beautiful name – “serving the public and for justice“ to exploit every possible means of corporational as personal profits, stem-ed from greediness and personal monetary/property ownership. I am sure you would agree with me that almost 80-95% of the public don’t even realize this fact.

The economic crisis will deteriorate/collapse fast. The capitalisms all over the world amongst different countries are collapsing, jobless everywhere, riots escalating everywhere. Elite will try to “discharge” these riots by instigating world war III and is in progress already. People all over the world will lose control can’t control their thoughts and become murdering beasts, number of criminals will sky rocket. And I mean, as our history has shown us over thousands of years – law couldn’t stipulate human or diminish greediness and would not have any effects on the escalating numbers of human losing self-control and plainly act out whatever they have in their mind/thoughts/backchats. Supposely, Laws are mutual “agreements for justice” that everyone will stipulate to build/consolidate the foundation of “fairness” in capitalism. However, because of self-interest, self-ownership, greediness the humans including the elite setup the laws system into a money game, a liar’s competition. I mean, look at our current world today: Lawyers, Judges, Governors, Presidents, Corporations all study and work for personal-ownership, greediness as money, aren’t they? We keep changing the laws and nothing have really change in this 2000 years. We still live in an ever corrupting world all because of greediness.

In an EMS, the laws and justice system will be monitored by mathematics and highly computerized with minimal human participation. I am sure you would agree a mathematic computer system currently is way far more reliable and “honest” than a president or a judge, isn’t it? We will live in an EMS world where only laws stipulating human to act in best for all will be retained. All other laws are obsolete and will not be needed because everyone left in the EMS will use Laws, as real mutual agreements, to guard and assist human beings to act in what is best for all – best for all other humans, animals, plants, nature, earth etc. Personal-ownership will not exist, yet everyone will be absolutely “equal” – you can access whatever tools that are needed to facilitate/enrich while you are living/staying on earth, you as every human on earth everyone as you can access these ipods, laptops, cars, houses equally. I mean without personal-ownership and everyone’s future and living standards are guaranteed equally, obviously there is no “need” to be greedy. Without the need to be greedy, EMS Laws aiming for perfecting what is best for all, finally for the first time in human history laws and justice system can really/practically function as a tool to guide/assist/help humans in both protecting the public being harmed and detecting/helping those that have “problems“ inside them and need help/remediation/assistance before they act out and harm others.

Currently in capitalism. Everyone only cares about themselves totally live in separation where nobody can really be trusted and even family members plot against each other when huge amount of money/self-advantages are involved. When I look at the family relationships closely, Closeness between family members are just an illusion that not many people have realized. Most if not all humans on earth are currently selfish, self-interest as greedy as money. Corporation make money/profit through abusing earth sucking oil for “free” out of the ground to motivate machines to replace workers – through industrialization. More and more people will lose jobs because of computerized and industrialized. Capitalism will collapse, the earth will not be able sustain the amount of abuse by 7 billions of humans “worshiping” greediness(as money), self-interest, fuick the planet fuick the rest relentless consumerism. I mean, as you can see from 2007 – 2011, things have collapse tremendously and as Bernard mentioned, they will try to use every way possible to save capitalism and that’s exactly what they are doing now. I am sure you would agree with me as Einstein once said: you cannot solve new problems with old methods. It just won’t work. The core/cause of every atrocities are greediness and inequality in every human. I mean, can you notice any “equality” in capitalism? None at all, can’t we? It is the abusive nature of capitalism, the inequality the relentless consuming for self-interest. We have fatal flaws in our capitalism. Everyone “can” live in an advanced technological society and every job can be done by robots is just an illusion – it only happens in Marvel comics and Hollywood movies.

What we are pushing to help people have a less painful transition period is BIG(Basic Income Grant). Everyone that cannot find a job will receive a small amount of money each month to help them alleviate their sufferings. There will soon where people will not be able to find jobs and the accumulated angriness will need to be exert outward, such as the Occupying Wall Street. As you can see, people are beginning to realize that 90% of the money/fortune/properties are owned/controlled by 5% of the people/families in the tip of the enslavement pyramid. However, riots such as OWS are enpowered by angriness not really a legal way to use the system to change the system. Besides, currently not many people on earth have realized that they can use a close to perfect EMS to replace capitalism – for the first time on human history, they can sleep peacefully without closing their door. For the first time in history, we and our children are not competition motivated but love your neighbor as yourself, give as what you would want to receive from others “equally”. BIG is the biggest possible assistance during this transition period – buy us some time to prepare and train candidates into politics elections all over the world. Changing our government through election – I mean, finally for the first time, Equal Life Party a political party that you can really trust and pledge to work for you, work for your family, work for your children, work for everyone on earth “equally” for best for all.

When the EMS is setup, there is “no need” to be greedy and I mean obviously, no need to find whatever means possible to make personal-profits. Up to 95% of the factories around the world will be closed and products will be designed/engineered/produced as best as you can imagine, as durable as last over 100 years. Nothing comes for free, so you only need to work for 4-6 years depend on how many children or human are born on earth then all your necessities are provided and you are guaranteed to have access to every products “equally“ as everyone else on earth – No matter how old you are or what color of your skins are, whether you are Caucasian, Asian, Arabian or Black everyone is the same equally as part of Life. Now, as you already know nothing comes from free – someone has to produce the goods/products. We can make goods last over 100 years but we cannot make goods magically appears. People t go to the new factories because they love the EMS and want to support EMS. Like if someone ask me: do you love your neighbor as yourself equally? Do you give others what you would like to receive? I said: yes, I do. They then ask: how? Show me. “One way” of showing you love your neighbor, children and animal on earth “physically and practically” is go to work in factories. Producing goods/products for them and in return, everyone including me/you/my children/your children/everyone’s children are guaranteed to have access to these products. Everyone will provide support as they are happy and as they can and in return they and everyone will be taken care of – “equally”. So in EMS, going to work becomes something that you pledge your support to humanity or even existence, taking your self-responsibility as part of life and something fun to “experience”. No pressure, no stress, no survival, no competition, no enslavement, no more greediness, no more profit. The only one that can “profit” from better technologies are “everyone/every human”. You can always “quit working“ and switch to someone else working in some others fields that you want to “experience” e.g. research, rest for awhile or visit around the world. Then come back and produce goods when needed. There is no contract or obligation but EMS requires you to understand what it means by taking self-responsibility and what is oneness and equality, what is best for all. When I understand we are all from the same source and everything is just another me, I automatically understand I need to take self-responsibility and do what is best for all in every moment. I am happy that I can contribute to Desteni and I just keep doing it happily and willingly, no monetary/rewards are needed because I understand they(same as EMS) need support and I as part of Life need to take my self-responsibility. The only question is: what position should I take to make the most out of me?

3. What about rewards for great performance within an equal money system?

As Bernard have said – within an EMS, one’s starting point will not be self-profit anymore. What you do, what you research or compose of any ideas and lead to a solution or a new product, for the better of everyone, every life forms. Anyone that contribute or work because they realize they are part of all life-form and it is everyone’s self-responsibility to according to their talent or specialties, to work for every Life form and with every Life form. Everyone within an EMS knows they don’t own anything, they have rights to use basic necessities like cars and houses but they don’t own anything. They don’t own much personal possessions.

People within an EMS will not be motivated by reward, which in what I see, is also another form of “greed”. People that are driven by reward is literally making a statement of: I won’t take care of anyone/take my self-responsibility as part of all Life forms until you give me “privileges” to enslave others for my personal enjoyment else I won’t contribute. It obviously indicates selfishness and do not totally understand what EMS stands for – I am part of every Life forms, we might not be similar but we are all equal. I take my self-responsibility and take care of everyone and that including me in it.

As Bernard mentioned there might be parties for people gather together and celebrate that we have achieved some breakthroughs for everyone to have a better living, then we all continue with the new technology/products for everyone. Reward only means privilege to enslave others(through I have more money) and if one is motivated by reward only, they are making a statement: I don’t want to live in an EMS system where every children, animals, life forms earth are being taken care of equally and I benefit from as a part of Life. I want to live back in the old capitalistic world and I want to climb to the top of the enslavement pyramid so I can be king/queen/elite that enslave everyone with me having lots of money. I don’t care how other Life forms are suffered or the atrocities on millions of people on earth every second every day – I want my reward. To me these people are a danger to others that truly support EMS and treat every life forms equally and should be locked up and research on them.

This is possible. Look at currently hundreds of Desteni leadership forum members, including myself and more, are contributing themselves daily to Desteni and push EMS to solve the problems, get rid of greediness so everyone every Life forms including ourselves can benefit too. For example, I have been contributing continuously for three years now. Yes it takes time and effort to support/contribute but me as most of the leadership forum members – we see this is legitimate and happy to be part of it, happy to be able to contribute to Desteni and setup of EMS, happy to use/spend our limited time on earth together making a difference/a chance to the current capitalistic system. I am sure I can say we are not motivated by rewards, we are doing it because we realize this is right, the portal is right, EMS is definitely the solution, not throwing a computer or printer every 3-4 years is right, making a computer that will be the best of the best and lasts over 100 years is right and we support Desteni, we contribute Desteni. We ask ourselves in every moment: how can I be more effective in taking roles and participate in Oneness and Equality, in supporting all other Life forms as me.

To me, the greatest reward is me as part of Life. Play a role in the EMS and as a citizen of an EMS, my motivation and starting point is not “reward” or what you will give me in return or else I wouldn’t do any work/support to anyone else – that is self-interest, that is separation. I mean, if I ask you: do you want to live in separation, instead of acknowledge that you are part of Life/existence that you have obligations and rights to fulfill self-responsibility/Life responsibility, and enjoy together with every human, everything in existence together? I am sure you would say: No, I am part of Life and I take my life-responsibility and enjoy with everyone everything else “equally”, wouldn’t you? Anyone that won’t love their neighbor as themselves, limited themselves proclaiming they rather live in separation, will not give others equally as what they would like to receive, only cares about his/her little energy enjoyments and fuick the world and support every forms of enslavement, using money to whip/enslave 95% of people on earth. I mean, would you support a person like this? Would you want this person continue to stay on earth? Is he/she post a threat/harm to existence? Would it be best for all to “remove” them as soon as possible? Through Germs/Virus, Natural Disasters, Earth Quakes whatever means possible? I am sure you don’t want to be one of them on the “remove list”, do you?

記錄片 Project Home (2)

看一看唐/漢/元/明/清, 每一個時代都在盡一切能力來濫虐着身邊的一切. 而每一個人都是活在沒有明天的樣子, 拼命的在貪婪或在奴隸金字塔裏, 看似在平等地往上爬. Bernard 說得極透徹: 數不盡的赤貧裏, 有一兩個人成為醫生, 或律師法管, 甚至所謂白手興家不是平等, 這像賭塲一樣只是某一兩個人中了頭奬, 脫離了貧窮. 而大家都拼命的支持現有的制度, 並且每天鞭策自已的孩子, 要像他們一樣 -- 要利用讀書來中彩票. 我可以保証 -- 只要一天貪婪還存在, 我們全都會活在拼命濫虐一切, 即是走向自毁, 走一條更長更痛苦的進程/路. 只是簡單的食用肉就需要消耗種植植物八倍的石油來生產, 當然在現階段我們還是需要肉食的(例如 2柸半的石油來生產一個芝士漢堡 http://letterfromserendipity.com/how-crude-oil-does-it-take-to-make-one-cheeseburger/), 而且最致命的不是食物. 片本沒有提到的是工廠(我相信大企業是不會告訴你對個人自身利益有衝突的資訊的)每天消耗的石油量, 像變魔術般生產出數以億計 "越快壞越好的產品". 我一直都忽略了這個世界沒有一樣東西是理所當然, 或是沒有魔術的.

所以, 在大企業支持下拍出的 Home Project 只是真相的一部份. 還有軍備, 只是美國 2006年就已經消費了 130億美元!的石油. 今天的軍隊還是為保護我們的國家/生命財產嗎? 對我來說不是. 軍隊一直只是一個統治者的工具, 用來鞏固統治和奪取更多的財富. 美國的人民可以享受物質豐足的生活, 因為他們有強大的軍隊而且, 正不斷的和歐洲聯手佔領中東的產油國. 而每一個人心㡳裏(我以前也是)都明白, 先進的軍隊是舒適生活的保障. 每一個國民心底裏也是同意侵略其他國家帶來的 "利益"的. 而且, 因為這不關 "我"事, 不是我的痛是其他人, 或某個黑黑的中東人的痛苦. 跟 "我"沒有切膚之痛. 不會感同身受. 我們應該只關心我們的 PSP, Wii, 音樂, 性能量高漲, 美食, 錢(個人貪婪)嗎? 我們應該繼續管其他人死活嗎? 如果真的因為每一個你怎樣對待其他就是你自作孽將來的因果, 那是否代表你需要体驗變成中東的受害者, 然後我們互相一世又一世的對調穿對方的鞋(位置)? 我們應該有國界嗎? 國界是代表把人類分成不同的經濟待遇/級數. 最高級的如北美/歐洲人, 然後是亞洲, 最差是南美和非洲. 我們不應該把所有軍備侵略的開支, 用來支援全世界每秒都在餓死的人和小孩嗎? 只要出發點是平等的支援全世界所有人, 我們是不需要龐大的軍隊的. 這些在平等富裕金錢 FAQ裏都有解釋.

我有住屋, 有乾淨的食水 和食物時代表我同時有責任, 為其他這刻每天在面對飢餓/死亡/受盡虐待的人為他們出一分力, 而最有效的就是透過平等富裕金錢, 讓每一個都得到平等的照顧, 讓所有 "產品"都是每一個人在自已-責任下可以免費享用的. 讓工作變成一種實質愛你的鄰居所以我透過生產/工作來愛每一個人, 而我在當中也可以享受這些產品的成果, 因為每一個人都是平等得到照顧的. 全体人類裏只要一個小孩受苦/受虐待就是全体人受苦/受虐待. 如果要受苦那我們就平等的受苦. 而不是現在, 在個人貪婪下, 只是一小撮精英, 每天甚至對殺人已經麻林了, 妄顧一切加諸在其他人/動物/大自然地球的身上, 而透過一張綠色的紙幣, 硬把自已的工作, 推給其他奴隸替他們或家族做, 而享樂於自已的小天堂裏. 我的關鍵是平等, 苦樂平等, 照顧平等, 工作/責任平等.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

看完記錄片 Project Home (1)

看完 Home這( Home)套記錄片後. 是震憾地察覺原來為了生產各種肉類, 我們需要消耗大量的石油來推動機器來生產/收割黃豆. 然後運輸黃豆給牛/家禽吃來生產食用肉. 而只是小小一片肉已經消耗大量的石油. 更不用說我們每天開的汽車, 公車, 生產時裝, 手袋, 皮鞋, 運動鞋, 空調身邊所有一切都需要石油來推動. 而所有人, 包括我還未接觸 Desteni前也一樣(我不是只是在指責其他人), 對身邊一切都已經盲目在 sex或貪婪即是錢, 或競爭求存的石屎森林裏面. 一切都是我要更多錢, 我有錢我就可以有享樂, 其他一切我管不了. 但我奇怪的是, 我在接觸了 Desteni一個多月後已完全對全世界/個人/生命一切改觀, 而我參與了 Desteni有快三年了, 不已經三年了. 然而絶大部份的人接觸過 Desteni的資料後, 大都不大重視.

現時只有極小數的人把 Desteni當做有趣的雜誌來看, 當中極少數極少數的人有投入參與/走自我-宽恕的進程. 我很多時都在想 -- 是那裏出了問題? 言歸正傳. 因為這條片有大企業支持, 所以有漂亮的景觀, 漂亮的音樂, 走編全世界. 正如 Bernard 說: 這本是為了大企業告訴大家, 要獲得大家的支持, 研究新能源來代替石油. 目的只是大企業的貪婪, 片中甚少提到怎樣與大自然, 其他動物甚到地球一起怎樣共存. 我感覺到的訊息是, 我們全都想繼續活在舒適的生活, 那我們就需要用新的能源來取代石油. 更加沒有剖釋全球所有的工廠, 每天不停生產, 消耗龐大的石油..這些一切的事實郤隻字不提. 但我也從中學會了, 我們已經依賴石油和電力到了極嚴重的地步. 所有以為這只是科學家需要傷腦筋的事, 這已經有燃眉之急, Bernard 說我們只有三年的時間來喚醒足夠的人類來參與進程. 否則到過了臨界點後, 全球性廣泛的大飢荒將會影響全世界 -- 包括你我和所有的人類. 當然, Home這套記錄片是有很多資料是不夠 Desteni提供的真實, 如人類和地球是怎樣產生和出現.

裏面提到一點極有趣的是: 我們與身邊一切的環境, 大自然, 動物界是互相依賴的, 破壞這種平衡是導致我們今天局面的後果. 而且更有趣是它指出全球過半的財富掌握在全球百份之 2的手中, 而沒有更深入的指出 -- 這些巨富主要是透過大企業來不斷賺錢的. 真相是我們的貪婪, 導致濫用一切能源來鞭策出個人財富/錢/貪婪. 而只要我可以有很多錢 -- 即是可以合法的奴役其他人(清潔/倒垃圾的, 妓女/男, 我可以合法搶的貨品/餐廳美食, 汽車/洋房). 而所有人就像一切都只有好的後果, 而沒有任何自身/負面的後果而沉醉在這個賭局裏. 我深信只要貪婪一天還存在活着的人類心智系統裏, 沒有石油也一樣.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Equal Money System -- Private corporation and businessman's Future (Revised)

Q: What is going to happen to the private corporations and businesses of people?

A: Everyone will be taken care of, so no need to panic or worry about what would happen to those dress in nice looking suits, having a shiny/glassy nice office. Everyone’s basic needs/necessities like food, shelter, a house, a warm bed, basic hygiene, clean water, bathing, basic transportation, basic medical support – all of these will be taken care of by the future government – Including the corporation CEOs, Managers, Suited businessman or business ladies.
There will be no more competition or patents. Each and everyone of us together own all the patents. There would be only one corporation and the sole purpose of this “One and Only” corporation on earth – is to spending every second, every bit of effort possible – to perfect everyone/everything’s living/existence. Let’s say, our current technology can make car last 100 years, how about we spend some money and resources on research to make it last longer? So lesser people needs to work in the factory to build the parts or spend time/laboring in repairing our 100 years old cars. We the people each and everyone on earth(including animals, nature and earth) owns this “One and Only” corporation – it guaranteed to work for no one but for us, which is best for all. Not own by George Soros or Bill Gates. No! Profit/self-interest Profit will be obsolete and irrelevant under an Equal Money System.
Nowadays, various corporations compete each other, using laws and patent to wage commercial wars, consumerism wars against each other, attempting to dominate the market and make tons of profit for their CEOs, through abusing/lying/deceiving the public, third world children/labors/all sort of animals/nature/Earth just for a handful few CEO’s greediness – to fulfill of “I don’t care, I want more, more, more, more and more money. I suck more, more and more money as profits from everywhere – I don’t care”. This is the current system that 95% of us are living under and our children will grow up and just become the same/similar salve, have no choice but to survive, try to get a degree and contribute for corporations CEOs.

Under an Equal Money system, this “One and Only” corporation is owned by everyone/everything. The sole purpose of this “One and Only” corporation is to sever and perfect in within respecting all Life serving all humans, animals, nature, Earth etc. for what is best for all. It is setup only to facilitate organizing, distribution/productions/repairs/research and development to benefit humanity/animals/nature and Earth etc. There is no profit at all. For example, I am a truck driver, I distribute the phones/ipods/laptops/TVs from the factory to the cities. I don’t make any profit, I understand I am taking a role and taking my self-responsibility working for take care of all the children on earth, all other human on earth. Besides, I got paid by my laboring hours (as new money). I can fairly exchange let’s say for a stay in Disney land hotel, of course no one will be serving me, everyone is equal and I will need to do my laundry or clean my toilet(after I used them).

Let’s say I am the worker that produce those ipods/laptops/TVs. I know my family and I will be taken care of, our house, food, clean water, children’s bathing/basic hygiene, their transportation(our cars and school bus), our basic medical support are already taken care of. I don’t need to worry about whether they will have food or shelter the next day or when they grow up will they survive because in 2011 – people cannot be trusted everywhere. 2020, we are living in a no need to rob or deceive world. I got a laptop, my children, my colleague got a laptop, my manager, my friends in Europe, my friends in China, my relatives in Africa they all got “their own laptops”. There is no need to “steal” others laptops and re-sell them for money – Everyone on earth’s necessities have been taken care of. I am here to work as a worker yet I am no different than any other one in any positions. We are taking different roles to help/serve me, my family, all humanity, all animals, nature and earth and I got paid. I can exchange the laboring hours (new money) for things that me and my family I enjoy. I don’t need to make profit or make money for survival.

Let’s say I am the corporation’s researcher. In 2011, we research to find every ways possible to make profits for the company. Each new model we just give them minimal upgrades and forcing the public to throw and buy, throw and buy, throw and buy keeping this cycle as short as possible. We only develops products that breaks faster and faster, shorter and shorter product serving period. On our research, we give everything a blank eye, we only maximize the profit of the corporation, which are the CEOs, we consume like viruses, wasting resources on battling against other corporations, using patent as our weapon to guarantee our profits. Now in 2020, I don’t need to worry about me and my family’s survival, the government takes care of our basic necessities. I work for everyone and everything on earth. We already have the technology to produce cars that last for 100 years. We will concentrating in research for make the car last longer say 150 years, consume fewer gas/fuel. Make it safer by protecting both driver, passengers, pedestrians or even animals. We limit the car to a certain amount of speed because we don’t need to meet our tight schedule, work becomes something that you enjoy and contribute so that everyone on Earth can benefit. Without competition and patent, everyone’s research achievements are contributed to make the best car on earth, for everyone on earth without boundaries, no countries, no matter what color of skin you have – Caucasians or African descendents, all will have a car. Because car is a necessity for everyone and children on earth, to have a decent life.

Let’s say I am the CEO/Managers of the corporation. In 2011, Corporation CEOs/billionaires/trillionaires are the source of almost all of the atrocities on earth. Just to fulfill the madness and apparent joyful happiness of a handful billionaires, 95% of the whole humanity have to live in hell every day. What has been supporting these “slaves” are the illusion of capitalism provides everyone an “apparent equal” opportunity that just maybe the slaves or their children, through studying can earn their ticket to leave poverty or suddenly improve their living by earning more money. Those that are in powers use all sorts of controls and means possible to dumb down all children through schools. To provide literally “everything for CEOs’” little heaven, almost all on earth have to go to work and live in hell each day – to work in factory to produce or work in hotel to serve us the CEOs. To support our suits, our beautiful wives and children’s garb, luxuries mansions, private jets, sports cars, boats, maintenance, maids, gardeners. Everyone are our servants, they clean for us, do the laundry for us, cook cuisines for us. CEOs in 2011 are the legal devil on earth. Only few of us acknowledge and support EMS, few can grasp and agree everyone are in fact the same and every person on earth is equal. In 2020 as the handful CEO’s that survive “clean out”, I become a manager. In this “One and only” corporation, I don’t have to worry the people working under me will plot against my fortunes because everyone is equal. Everyone got the basic necessities guaranteed by the government. Everyone just needs to work 4 years conscription and the rest of each one’s basic life supports are taken care of. I don’t need to be greedy anymore, there is no need to greed – everyone has their one and only ipod, laptop, desktop, car etc. I am now more of a manager role in arranging how the “one and only” corporation operates. If I am not needed in management, I will be helping in production or repair and maintenance – I am just like everyone else, everyone is equal. I do not work for my own greediness, I am as part of all human/existence contributing whatever I can so that all human on earth, animals, nature, earth can all benefit. Even if we need to suffer, we suffer for best for all “equally”. I don’t stay in my position forever, we take turns sometimes through voting to determine who take what positions. Voting electronically will be as easy as using internet at home or using credit cards. Critical positions like money related besides of voting by everyone but also each person can chair “these positions only one year“, no matter what.
I also teach children on how atrocious our world was. I make vlogs and blogs to teach our children in 2011 we were living in a man eat man, dog eat dog world. To help the public understand a critical evolution point in humanity: we cannot go on live in system where everyone just mesmerized by money and luxurious living, this is not working and 95% of the population are living in atrocities every day. Everyone don’t love each other, everyone is lost in whatever ways possible to eat each other. We were lost in 2011 that we act like as long as we can run away from the law by employing lawyers, there are no consequences at all. We don’t have to be motivated by greediness. We can be motivated by taking self-responsibility and doing for what is best for all(As a matter of fact, I am typing this I do not get paid I answer this question all from the starting point of practically bringing heaven on earth for our children to come, and I enjoy doing that). I have learned and understand that I am part of existence and I cannot just take and not contribute. Me and my family can still take a trip by fair laboring hours exchange or have the children have a ride of the roller coaster in the fun park.

** I have more time spending with my children and they love me more. I don’t have to spend time and effort on thinking of ways to compete with other brands there will be only one brand. I as part of all can present my worries to the government and they will look at it, if it’s more important than best for all then they will address my worries. I don’t have to worry every second that someone close to me might take over my possessions/money while at the same time, I got what I needed. I am just like everyone else, I have a car, a laptop, an ipod, a desktop. I can explore my life how I want to live happily without worries for money or being robbed.
Let’s say I am the janitor of the “One and only” corporation. In 2011 we were the most frustrated and angry working at the bottom class. We are not being taken care by any government, everyone afraid of become a garbage collector or janitor so they push their kids to study, study and study. Praying they won’t become us one day, they fear us like germs and demons. We are hopeless, we see no hope in the capitalistic enslavement pyramid. We are just “tools” or toilet papers for the riches and everyone who have more money above us. Because of our employer/boss’s greediness, we have lesser and lesser tools and protective gears like gloves or goggles. We are the most abused class, we do most of the laboring work and we got the least paid. We live in constant fear/worry about our survival and anger to the society and envy of everyone’s money, children’s toys, new cars. Why and when is my/our turn? We are literally living in hell every day. Most of us become manipulated by those that are rich including become soldiers/mercenaries, or go riot in different cities, some become criminals. In fact the riches create us, they create all these crime, riots and ransacks. Trying to defend their money/property by police and firearms. The criminals in the jail are not evil we are forced to commit crimes. The real criminals are those that are rich, the billionaires/trillionaires – they cause almost all of the suffering and atrocities in this world because they use us as slaves to support them, their beautiful wives and children’s luxurious living.

In 2020, I don’t need to worry about anything. I don’t need to worry food, shelter, transportations, basic medical/clean water/hygiene’s support all from the government. I just have to work for 4 yours and all those mentioned above are provide by the government until I die. Me and my family even have cars. Greediness is not the starting point of everything anymore. I have a laptop that last over 100 years. My children are educated not to dumb them down but aim at really preparing them, maximize them in all aspects to see what they would like to participate in working and enjoying themselves when they grow up. I have all the protective gears I need to for my work, protecting my hands, face, skins etc. After 4 years, if I for instance, want to enjoy a ride in the theme park like Disneyland or need to buy outside of necessities I can find a job and exchange with fair laboring hours with others. Jobs will be greatly reduced since up to 95% of the factories are closed because things/goods “last” as long as over 100 years! Repair and maintenance are minimal and breaks down/throw away is scarce. Owning products become a Multiple Win-Win situation, instead of just the CEOs/billionaires win situations. I understand that I am contributing to work for all humanity, all animals, nature and earth. My company is aiming at what is best for all, all decisions are based on mathematical equating what approach will benefit the most – best for all. I take my self-responsibility as part of life, part of existence to work. I am just like everyone else we are equal. I am working as a janitor to help and serve everyone because it is necessary to clean the toilets, I feel good after cleaning toilets because I can trust everyone will do the same to contribute and benefit for all – always doing what is best for all. Me as a janitor as part of all humanity, when everything is best for all, when all humanity, animals, nature, earth can benefit – that includes me, I am included, Me and my family “can also benefit” from best for all. To really applying “Equality”, everyone take turns and everyone do the basic necessities support jobs/positions to learn and understand what self-responsibilities are needed. The fast-food or McDonalds type of living(drop by and food miraculously are ready in front of you) is gone forever. Everyone take turns and learn what does it take/means to support each and every human being, animals, plants to live a dignified life on earth.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Free Energy and Equal Money

Q: Will all energy be FREE in EMS?

A: No, Everything in existence are us, we are all aware and can feel pain. Energy comes from physical which means when we enjoy the power and benefit of energy, the physical “must“ suffer to produce this energy/power for us. There is no such thing as “FREE Energy” on earth. Everything including energy comes from Earth(physical/molecules) and Sun. Without the Sun and Earth we can’t even exist. What FREE Energy means to most people is: Can I have FREE abuse? So that electricity and everything will be free and I can just sit inside my home and let the computers, robots, electricity, energy do all the work for me so I can live in Disneyland/Wonderland for FREE. No need to work anymore.
No, this will never happen. We live in a polarity world and the elite knows extremely well about this – In order to have Billionaires/Trillionaires, you have to have billions of slaves(those that have no money and needs to work to survive) to do the work and make their cloths/cars/build their mansions for them. Same principle here, you want to have billions kW of energy, billions of physical/molecules must suffer to produce that much of energy.
What we will/can do thought under an EMS is: we will have agreements with Sun, Earth and Physical. That we take our self-responsibilities as human, all human as part of existence. Consume certain amounts of energy/electricity and we take care of nature/animals/Earth or even the Sun. If we cannot contribute to them at least we definitely will stop abusing the environment/animals/nature/Earth like how we are currently(2011) lost in greediness within capitalism everywhere in all countries on earth. Whether it will be nuclear power/fossil fuel physical/molecules must be suffered/abused to provide such energy/electricity/power for us. What we can do thought is alleviate physical’s “abuse” into “suffer” or even gratitude for the physical providing energy for us.
This will be determined once the Equal Money System is installed, after we have stopped every 5 second a child die in starving, rape, molested, die in enslaving labor factories, abused to death. After we have ended all greediness so nobody needs to live in constant fear/worrying whether they will have money to buy food/pay bills/pay rent. Or will they be laid off and lose nothing and have to live on the street. After we have installed EMS so that all children on earth can choose whatever job they enjoy doing/contributing for best for all. Not based on how much more money they can earn through the type of job but how they would like to contribute for best for all, every jobs get paid the same salary per working hour. After that, we will make an agreement with Earth, Sun or physical to see how much of energy we can consume each year and what we can do for the Earth, nature, animals or even the Sun.
I can’t emphasize enough – My Friend, there is “NO”! FREE Energy in existence.

Q: Will it be a problem if some difficult area where no one want to live at will be neglected? Will we want all these places populated? How will this type of land/places be used?

A: Firstly, there are lots of animals or plants “live” in these area. Like even in unlivable area like the deserts/tropical thick forests/North Pole. Even inside a volcano, NASA scientists already found there are virus and germs living inside the arsenic lava. So from a starting point of act for best for all, there is no need to deliberately wasting tons of energy/resources just to terra reform these uninhabitable regions, just to populate human there.
Every man, woman children or even animals will be taken care of. No one will be neglected. Modern houses for a dignified life will be built for each families, this is all included in the 4 years conscription package. To embody “Equality” we will live in similar conditions with similar scenes outside our windows. I would like to see all sea side area(because of the beautiful scenes), we only build Disneyland style theme parks so no one will complain who has a beautiful sea side scene and who has nothing. We live equally in all ways. Depends on how much energy it will take we just might take turns living in each other’s houses every few years. All sort of possible solutions - all aiming at practically perfecting what is best for all.
Uninhabitable areas currently are paradises for all sorts of animals and plants. Look at how many penguins live in north and south poles! Look at how many blue whales live there! Once greediness which have caused almost all of the atrocities on earth has been removed, we can look further into how to use these lands, aiming at best for all, supporting human, animals, nature, Earth or even Sun! Definitely not what we are currently living as – give a blank eye to everything around us! Abusing every inches of land for self-greediness and money, money and still money!